Namespace NanoByte.CodeGeneration
Thin wrapper around Roslyn API to simplify generating C# code.
- CSharpAttribute
An attribute on a CSharpInterface, CSharpClass or CSharpProperty.
- CSharpClass
Describes a C# class for which code can be generated.
- CSharpConstructor
A constructor for a CSharpClass.
- CSharpEnum
Describes a C# enum for which code can be generated.
- CSharpEnumValue
A possible value for a CSharpEnum.
- CSharpIdentifier
The fully qualified name of a type.
- CSharpInterface
Describes a C# interface for which code can be generated.
- CSharpParameter
A parameter for a CSharpConstructor.
- CSharpProperty
A property on a CSharpInterface or CSharpClass.
- CSharpType
Describes a C# type for which code can be generated.
- CSharpTypeExtensions
Extension methods for ICSharpType.
- ThisReference
"Magic" value for Value indicating that the "this" keyword should be inserted.
- ICSharpType
Describes a C# type for which code can be generated.